GPS: 46°32’13,76″N 19°35’23,767″E WGS: 46,537145; 19,589937
Wanderings in the puszta are a great experience, since there are so many forests and fields outside the city, and those who love nature also have a chance to discover the characteristic fauna and flora, as well as the farms (so-called ‘tanya’-s) of the Plain. One target for wandering could be the ‘Ősgalagonyás’ (Thornbush) in Bodoglár, which is now a nature reservation area, and has all the wonders of the mound region, hiding some beauty in every season, for instance the wonderful Stipa pulcherrima which blooms in the summer. One of the most precious treasures of Kiskunmajsa, as well as of Bodoglár, which forms a part of the town, is carnation. This rare plant enjoys special protection.
Availability: Tourinform Iroda, 6120 Kiskunmajsa Zárda u. 2. Tel.: +36 77 481 327,,